This 90 Degree Honeycomb Eggcrate reduces light to 180 degrees pattern, with a soft falloff. This Eggcrate comes with a removable diffusion and is one way of controlling soft light. It is a stylized effect with a hot center, and gradual falloff, but very useful as a light modifier. I use this for a variety of applications, but one of my favorites is on a light I use as a desklamp or for tabletop gaming. It can be used with or without the barndoors, and there is a deep version of the barndoors available which allow you to close the doors with the eggcrate on. In certain circumstances, eggcrates can reduce the or partially counter the light intensity increase that occurs as a subject gets closer to a light. This was the first modifier I made for these lights, and I use it regularly. To use this without the barndoors, you will need to order the Mini Cine Retension Ring, which gives the light a nice sleek look for desk and tabletop applications.
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